Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Finding Love Through Dating Sites

Gloria Gangi
Dating is no longer what it was in the past. And by past, this does not mean a century ago - no - even comparing the present day dating scene with what it was 20 years ago can demonstrate how much society has changed. There are a lot of reasons for this with the main being the ever evolving human culture and the realities of day to day living. Life has become very hectic and people increasingly have less time than they would have had before to go for many and long dates so as to get to know someone. Add to that the innate wall that many people build around themselves after being in one-too-many unsuccessful relationships and you can see that the dating scene is not for the fainthearted. And if ordinary dating is difficult, then it can be intimidating for the single mum.
But two things that the single mum needs to familiarize with and equip themselves for if they are to find true love today are dating sites (websites that is) and speed dating events. There are a number of principles that the single mum must adhere to when venturing into dating sites and speed dating meetings.
Self Acceptance
There is a direction correlation between people being attracted to you and how you perceive yourself. If you keep putting yourself down and telling everyone around you what a loser you think you have become, then people you interact with will treat you with the same contempt. Take good care of your dressing, your skin and your hair as these are visual signs of how well you accept yourself. Walk with confidence even when feelings of sadness or fear within you would tempt you to do otherwise. During speed dating, these first impressions play a major role in determining whether there will be a second date or not.
Positive Mind-Set
You may have heard of or known people that have had a bad experience on a dating site. But be careful not to pass judgment on all dating sites and all the people genuinely looking for love on these websites. As long as you undertake the necessary due diligence before you join a particular dating site or getting in touch with some one that you think matches the qualities you are looking for, you should be fine. Keep a positive attitude that there is someone out there that will not mind that you already have one or more children from a previous relationship and that they will love you and your kids just as you are.
Be Warm and Welcoming
This does not however mean that you smile even when someone is being rude to you. Be friendly but firm with the people you meet. In this way you will gain respect and still be approachable. Learn to initiate and keep conversations going as this will instantly draw people to you and make you stand out during a speed dating event. Make eye contact with the man that you find attractive. If you find smiling or making eye contact too much for you, try practicing with the people around you before you go on a date.
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Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Virgo and Sagittarius Love Match and Compatibility? Are They Compatible?

When Virgo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is a well-rounded couple. Sagittarius is an explorer who loves to socialize, while Virgo prefers to analyze Sag's discoveries. Both enjoy talking about it with one another. Virgo may demand perfection too soon for Sagittarius's taste, but over time Sagittarius will appreciate a steady and reliable lover whose head isn't always in the clouds. Virgo and Sagittarius have unique approaches to life; Virgo is more practical and less distracted, while Sagittarius is the energetic explorer. It can be hard for Sagittarius to go along with the pragmatic realism of Virgo. Virgo may have a hard time accepting the Sagittarian energy. Virgo can offer Sagittarius a secure base and keep them on track with their dreams and ambitions. Sagittarius can add variety and new excitement to Virgo's day.Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mercury is about communication, and from Virgo's perspective, analyzing. Jupiter is philosophy, higher learning and travel. These two are about interpersonal communication and can sustain one another.
Virgo and Sagittarius can amuse each other by discussing a film or a book in great depth, Virgo focusing on the particulars and Sagittarius commenting on the overall picture. Virgo is an Earth Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius wants freedom, while Virgo needs financial strength and domestic stability. Sagittarius is motivated by pure feeling, while Virgo is more of a thinker. As long as they reassure each other that their love for one another is solid and real, their discords can usually be resolved. Virgo and Sagittarius are both Mutable Signs. They can be spread themselves out over many different tasks, if necessary. It's easy for these two to become interested in the things that the other does. Each has no trouble granting the other the freedom to enjoy things external to the relationship. They have a wonderful, complimentary style of interaction and have no trouble working together. What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Sagittarius relationship? It's the security they can give one another once they discover their similar lifestyles. They make a wonderful couple once they can teach one another to look at the world through new eyes. As long as they communicate and appreciate what they can learn, theirs will be a stable and happy relationship.
Wooing a Virgo is can be a challenge as they are very suspicious of anything new. Chances are that they are stuck in a routine in which they have absolute control and that may not be designed to accommodate a newcomer. This means that you must cleverly insinuate yourself into the Virgo’s life without the Virgo noticing.
Virgo’s are often called the control freaks of the horoscope. They usually invent a world and live in it. This is usually not a fantasy world (like something an Aquarius would create to amuse his or her friends.) It is usually a very practical construction that enables workaholicism or reaching a long-term goal in some way.
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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Virgo and Capricorn Love Match and Compatibility? Are They Compatible?

When Virgo and Capricorn join together in a love match, theirs is a pragmatic, smart relationship. Both Signs are highly rational, and both expect a lot of themselves and others. Virgo adores Capricorn's dedication and intensity, while Capricorn admires Virgo's intuition and attention to detail. Together they form a solid union based firmly in reality. This relationship has a strong foundation that is based on material security and a realistic approach to life in general. These Signs don't let their emotions or impulses take over and you can count on both. Virgo can help Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate all they have worked to attain. Capricorn can help Virgo achieve goals and makes dreams a reality through initiation. They live a very comfortable life together. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Mercury is a pragmatic, communicative energy and Saturn a cool energy. Mercury is about being communicative.
Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals.Virgo will show Capricorn the virtues of hard work and assist in keeping the relationship, business or home front a well-oiled machine. Capricorn can teach Virgo discipline and the focus needed to achieve goals. Together this couple will share a life of domestic and romantic bliss.Virgo and Capricorn are both Earth Signs. In addition to order and succinctness, Virgo-Capricorn partners usually surround themselves with tasteful and discriminating possessions.They would rather hold out for perfection than settle for an adequate substitute. Along with their desire to be financially secure, their love of fine things provokes this couple to put in long hours and a tremendous energy toward fulfilling their own and one another's dreams.
If you want to woo a Capricorn then your best bet is to “keep it simple, stupid.” Capricorn natives are compassionate people but they don’t suffer fools gladly. They also don’t like people who are waste money or who have bad taste. This is not the time to wear that seventies retro shirt unless it is absolutely in style.
Capricorns like to be slowly and subtly charmed and dislike anyone who is a braggart or over social climber. Overt displays of wealth disgust them. For instance a female Capricorn is more to love someone who drives a Saturn then a Ferrari.
Additionally, they are a sensible pair, and they rarely have problems caused by one partner's conspicuous consumption. Virgo is a Mutable Sign and Capricorn is a Cardinal Sign. Virgo is easily adaptable to any situation and has no problem working with The Goat as long as they have a sufficient role in the project. Capricorn likes the fact that Virgo is entirely dedicated to the relationship. Capricorn can offer viewpoints to the relationship that Virgo never would have considered on their own. Capricorn will start new projects that Virgo will enjoy taking over later. This relationship will work out if Capricorn can initiate ideas and Virgo can continue them. What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Capricorn relationship? It's their amazing dedication, and to similar goals. Both partners enjoy security and material objects, and work very well together to achieve their goals -- especially if the goal involves shared resources. Their mutual interests make theirs a highly pleasant relationship.

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