Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Women Want a Man Not a Boy

One of the most important things you can do to improve your dating life is to work on becoming the best man you can be. A new book, “How to Be a Grown Up,” offers tips on how to lead a grown up life and develop life skills that will lead to success and happiness in life.
Author Stacy Kaiser says if you follow the four “C’s” you will be have success in your relationships.
Here are the four C’s, according to an article found on Today, the website:
“CONSIDER your partner’s feelings, thoughts, and desires. Insist your partner consider yours as well.
COMPROMISE as often as you can. If you are both happy/satisfied, you both win. Choose a partner who is interested in compromising as well.
COMFORT your partner when he or she is in pain, even if it’s because of something you did. Your partner deserves it, because we all deserve it, and deserves it even more because you love each other. Don’t settle for a partner who can’t comfort you in return.
COMPLIMENT daily. It lifts people up, puts a smile on their faces, counteracts insecurities, makes up for the challenges they’ve had or mistakes they’ve made, and it simply feels good! Find someone who sees value in complimenting you back!”
According to Kaiser, these four C’s “integrate the importance of respect, adoration, dynamic interaction, and conflict management.”
If you remember these few tips, you increase your chances of forming a long lasting real relationship with another person. When you meet someone and you are offering them the best person you can be, you’ve already greatly increased the chance of making something a success.
The heart of a successful relationship, Kaiser says is respect.
“It’s all about respect,” she writes on the website. “To me, any successful intimate relationship is built on a foundation of respect. If you respect the person, you will always consider his feelings and needs, and you will know that he will do the same for you.
A grown up is looking for someone who understands the value of respect and shows it to his or her family, coworkers, and romantic partner. When people are disrespectful to any of these others, there will come a day, no matter how fabulous they are to you now, when they will not respect you. If you are in a relationship now, or are seeking a relationship, the number one question to ask yourself is: Do we have a strong foundation of respect?”
The book is very optimistic and Kaiser says the goal is a real, lasting grown up relationship:
“My whole point in writing this book is to encourage you. To make you want to behave in a grown-up way, because the rewards are so worth it, and to give you some tools to set you on the right path in every area! Like everything else we’ve discussed so far in this book, the skills to navigate intimate relationships can be learned, no matter how dismal your romantic history. It is not too late to change, grow, and learn.”

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