Kamis, 29 September 2011

How Women Can Protect Themselves Against Rape

Submitted By: William F. Gabriel
Research suggests that 1 in 3 women are raped at some point in their lifetime. Of those women, almost 80 percent are attacked by someone they know. There are several things that women can do to lessen their chances of becoming the victim of rape.
Protecting Yourself
Be Aware: Whether you are in the grocery store parking lot or walking home from a party, stay alert and look closely at the things going on around you.
• Rapists usually attack women who are not paying attention or who are not very active. Walk with purpose and display your confidence in the way you carry yourself.
• Avoid narrow streets and alleys and any place that is not well-lit. It is better to walk on main streets and walkways.
• After dark, walk with a buddy, or have someone pick you up. If you must walk alone, it can be a good idea to carry pepper spray or some other self-defense weapon.
• Know exactly where you are all the time. If you need to call the police, help will arrive more quickly if you can give an exact location.
Be Safe At Home: In addition to increasing security at home, you can use a martial arts DVD to learn the basics of self-defense training.
• Make sure your yard and entrances are well-lit.
• Keep hedges trimmed.
• Make sure all windows are locked and that locks and gates are in working order.
• If your door doesn’t have a peephole, install one that does. Always look to see who is at your door before you open it.
• Keep your curtains drawn so that would-be attackers cannot see inside your home after dark. The more an attacker can see the more information he has to go on when planning his attack.
• Open the door only when using the safety chain.
• Take a Martial Arts Training course. Whether you get instruction at the local gym or on a martial arts DVD, self-defense training can give you confidence – and confidence can deter rapists from selecting you as a target.
Be Safe at Parties: As mentioned earlier, almost 80 percent of rape victims know their attackers. Part of this number includes victims of rape that meet their attacker at a party or social engagement. Women should protect themselves when they are on a date.
• Always keep your drink where you can see it. Don’t let someone else get your drink for you. Get it directly from a sealed container or straight from the bartender at the party. If you do put a drink down for even a few seconds, get rid of it. Don’t drink from that glass again.
• Don’t leave the party alone, and don’t accept rides from people you do not trust – especially if you are under the influence of alcohol.
Nothing can protect you from rape entirely, as circumstances change constantly. However, following these tips can help you to be careful and reduce your chances of becoming the next rape victim.
Published At: Isnare.com

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