Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Making The Most Of Your Time During Your Pregnancy

Most moms-to-be realize their time will become severely limited once their babies are born. Sleep will become a fleeting luxury; opportunities to relax with a book or magazine will become rare; and treasured hobbies, such as scrapbooking or blogging, will need to be placed on the back burner. Babies require an enormous amount of time, attention, and energy, and these activities must be given a lower priority.
While you're pregnant, take advantage of your freedom. Give yourself the flexibility to enjoy hobbies, friends, and your favorite activities. When your little one arrives, most of your freedom will vanish, leaving you with few opportunities to do the things that are important to you. This article will offer a few easy-to-implement tips for making the most of your time during your pregnancy.
Throw Away Your Alarm Clock
Every baby book, magazine, and website devotes time to warning moms-to-be about the lack of sleep they can expect after childbirth. This is one of the few universal laws of being a new parent. Midnight feedings, irregular sleep schedules, and unpredictable naps are par for the course. For the first several months following your infant's birth, you'll find yourself sacrificing slumber in order to accommodate her always-shifting schedule.
Turn off your alarm clock. Sleep in. And during the day, take the opportunity to nap. You'll have so few chances to sleep peacefully once your baby is born that you'll regret not taking advantage of the time while you were pregnant.
Be Impulsive
Some people thrive on spontaneity. The decision to do something is made immediately after the idea forms. For example, they'll arrange a last-minute weekend getaway, make dinner plans a few minutes before leaving, and are generally ready for any activity. There will be very little room for this type of impulsiveness while you're caring for your little one. You'll need to either hire a babysitter, or take your infant with you (which means packing plenty of baby gear).
Allow yourself to be impulsive before your baby arrives. Make last-minute plans, and enjoy being spontaneous. Few activities require as much planning as we think. Moreover, acting without a structured plan can feel liberating.
Slow Your Pace And Enjoy The Company Of Others
Moms are uncelebrated efficiency experts. They're forced to accomplish an endless list of tasks while catering to the unpredictable needs of their children. After your infant is born, you'll discover ways to become more productive throughout your day.
While you're pregnant, allow yourself the freedom to be unproductive. Set aside your daily list of tasks, and spend time with your friends and family. Visit the park, and strike up a conversation with a stranger. You'll lack the opportunity to do so later, so now is the time to relish the flexibility.
Enjoy Your Projects
Chances are, you have a few pending projects you have always wanted to tackle. For example, you might want to read a particular book, start a vegetable garden, learn a language, or explore a new style of cooking. If you're like most people, you've convinced yourself that you'll tackle these projects as soon as you get the chance. Unfortunately, once your baby is born, the likelihood of that happening is slim.
Enjoy your projects now while you have the chance. Not only will you learn from the experience, but doing so will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
Rank Your Favorite Activities
You likely have a long list of activities you enjoy doing. For example, you might like to cook, watch movies, paint, or visit the gym. You may enjoy reading blogs, participating in local charities, or browsing through bookstores. Most new moms find they lack the time to fit everything into their hectic schedules. So, rank your favorite activities in advance. When you're forced to choose between them, you'll be able to do so easily.
Being pregnant doesn't mean sacrificing the things that are important to you. In fact, it's an ideal time to enjoy these activities, knowing you'll lack the opportunity to do so down the road.

Published At: Isnare.com

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